For a typical slot player to minimize losses and maximize winnings, they must know which are the machines that offer great payouts and which machines offer the worst.
Once the players have located the loose machines, they must lookout for the best denomination machines that suits their bankroll and level of comfort.
slot The following figures will give an image for players on how much bankroll might be needed for each type of slots machine which is based on a three coin bet with ten spins a minute at 90% payout rate:
– Nickel Machine: $9.00 / hour
– Quarter Machine: $45.00 / hour
– One Dollar Machine: $180.00 / hour
– Five Dollar Machine: $900.00 / hour
Next, players must plan how long they would spend playing per session and the total number of sessions for that particular trip. This is the result of dividing their bankroll by the total number of days for that trip. Then, divide the total daily allowance by the total number of hours spent each day playing. Having a proper bankroll management is definitely the master key to unlock the slot machine strategy.
Imagine that a player arrives at Las Vegas and decides to stay for a total of five days. And that player has a bankroll of $10,000. It would allow him a $2000 wager a day. And if the player decides that he would want to spend 5 hours a day, then he could afford to lose up to $400 an hour. According to the figures above, this player might want to try the Five Dollar Machine.
Once the proper machine has been selected, the best strategy to start off is by playing the flat pay machines. And if the player increases their bankroll with winnings, they can then move towards the progressive and much higher denomination slots machines.
Remember that you must always read the machines payout table before inserting your money and do insert the maximum number of coins that the machine allows you to. The maximum amount of coins you have inserted to be played may sometimes be determined by the number of pay-lines on that particular slot machine.
The gravest mistake that players make is that they tend not to leave when they are on a winning streak. Therefore to avoid this kind of situation, some players will use the credit meter to keep track of where they are standing. To make sure that the credit meter is activated, players must observe whether the button is lit or not. If this part is skipped, it could hinder your slot winning strategy.
If a player plays on a three coin maximum bet slot machine, there will be one or two coins left over at the end of each session. Do not ever insert the coin/s into the machine at all. Hold on to those coins and push the CASH OUT button and then stash ALL of the coins into a bucket or back into the original rack. Then, proceed to the cashier’s window and immediately cash out! Remember never to play with the credits that are accumulating in the machine.